泰國新年 ~~~~ 潑水節(Songkran Festival)"Songkran"在梵語中指的是「進入」之意,意即太陽的運行軌道進入了白羊座,象徵著12個月的循環結束,以及新年度的展開,因此潑水節便成為了泰國的新年。 潑水節是最有樂趣的傳統泰國歡慶,人們總是以極大的熱忱來慶祝這個全國性的年度節慶;在泰國的許多地方,潑水節長達東森房屋三天之久。 一般人對潑水節的瞭解,就是潑水這項傳統特色,從禮貌性的噴灑、濺潑、無殺傷力的水槍、庭院水管噴出的水雨,到瞄準好的水桶或水砲,都是用來傳遞節慶的精神。 毫無疑問地,以務實的角度來看,在一年中最炎熱的季節裡,潑水節是令人耳目一新的「抗熱」方案,然而,潑水節的意義絕不僅於此。除了象徵新的結婚一年開始,潑水節也是感恩的節日,對個人而言,是一個重要時刻,反省自己所經歷的善行和體貼,以及銘記寬大和憐憫如何帶來和平、快樂和安康,潑水節更是全家團聚的時刻。 泰國每個習俗和傳統,背後都有一個邏輯的解釋,慶祝的元素、文化價值、社會規約、個人信仰、抑或是實踐,彼此相互糾結,潑水節有著豐富的泰國文關鍵字排名化內涵。 潑水節的重要性在於淨化的過程,清除所有的疾病、厄運和罪惡,並讓新的一年有個好的及純淨的開始,而水就是淨化過程中的象徵,本身也代表著純潔。"Songkran" is a word from the Sanskrit language which means to "move into" and refers to the orbit of the sun moving into Aries. It marks the end 開幕活動of a 12-month cycle and the beginning of a new solar year. Songkran is therefore the Thai New Year celebrations.This traditional Thai custom of merry-making is the Kingdom's most 'sanuk' (fun-filled) festival, celebrated with tremendous enthusiasm, nation-wide, once a year. In 房屋貸款most parts of the country, Songkran extends over a period of 3 days.Known the world-over for its characteristic tradition of water-throwing ranging from a courteous sprinkle or a polite splash, to harmless water pistols and showers from garden hoses to the well-aimed bucket or water-cannon 酒店打工delivered in a festive spirit. Without a doubt, on the practical side, Songkran is a refreshing solution to "beating the heat" in the hottest season of the year. There is a however a much deeper significance to "Songkran".Apart from marking a new beginning, Songkran is also a time for 租屋thanksgiving. It is an important time for individuals to reflect upon the many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness each has personally experienced and to remember how such acts of generosity and compassion bring peace, happiness and well-being. Songkran is also the time for reunions and 酒店工作family ties are renewed.At the heart of each Thai custom and tradition, there is always a logical reason for its existence. The festive elements of the celebration, the cultural values, the social code of conduct and individual belief and practices are intertwined. Songkran embodies the 房屋買賣traditional Thai cultural values.The underlying significance of Songkran is the process of cleansing and purification - the purging of all ills, misfortune and evil and starting the New Year afresh with all that is good and pure. Water is symbolic of the cleaning process and signifies 小型辦公室purity. (以上摘自泰國觀光局網站)

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